Diamond Rib Socks from the Toe-Up
(c)Arwen Golden 2008
This pattern is written for 3 gauges as follows: 7sts/1" (7.5sts/1", 8sts/1").
*M1: Make 1 stitch as follows : with the tip of the needle in your right hand and from the front, lift the "bar" between two stitches. Slip the stitch onto the left hand needle from the front. Knit this new stitch through the back loop. *w&t: Wrap and Turn as follows : bring the yarn between the needles to the opposite side of the work (if you are knitting, bring the yarn forward; if you are purling, bring the yarn to the back), slip one stitch onto the right hand needle, bring the yarn between the needles to the side it was on originally, slip the same stitch back onto the left hand needle, turn work.
*Sl 1: Slip 1 stitch Knit-wise.
*yo: Yarn Over.
*psso: Pass the Slipped Stitch Over.
*K2tog: Knit 2 Stitches Together.
*RT: Right Twisted Stitch as follows: knit two stitches together without slipping stitches off of left needle; knit first stitch again and slip both stitches off onto right needle.
*LT: Left Twisted Stitch as follows: skipping over first stitch on left needle, knit second stitch through the back loop; knit first stitch normally and slip both stitches onto right needle.
Begin with the Figure 8 cast on:
Holding two needles side by side in your left hand, bring the yarn from above, between the two needles, and wrap it counterclockwise around the left needle, back between the two, then clockwise around the right needle. Continue making wraps around both needles in this manner until 8 wraps are on each needle (be sure not to count your tail). You should end on a right needle, clockwise wrap.
Knit the wraps from the left needle through the back loops.
Knit the wraps from the right needle.
Knit the stitches on both needles once more.
Begin Increases for the Toe:
From your left needle, K1, M1, K6, M1, K1; this is now needle #1 - these are your instep stitches. From your right needle, K1, M1, K3; this is now needle #2. For the remaining stitches on the right needles, K3, M1, K1; this is now needle #3. The stitches on needle #2 and #3 are your heel stitches.
Knit 1 round.
Continue Increases as follows:
R1: #1 - K1, M1, knit to last stitch on needle, M1, K1; #2 - K1, M1, knit to end of needle; #3 - knit to last stitch on needle, M1, K1.
R2: Knit
Repeat these two rounds until you have 52 (56, 60) stitches, arranged with 26 (28, 30) on needle #1, and 13 (14, 15) stitches on both needles #2 and #3.
Work Diamond Rib Pattern for Instep Stitches:
R1: K1, p1 (p1, p2), *K2tog, (K1, yo) twice, K1, Sl 1, K1, psso, p1 (p2, p2); repeat from * twice more, ending last repeat p1 (p1, p2).
R2, 4,6 & 8: K1, p1 (p1, p2), *K7, p1 (p2, p2); repeat from * twice more, ending last repeat p1 (p1, p2).
R3: K1, p1 (p1, p2), *K2tog, yo, K3, yo, Sl 1, K1, psso, p1 (p2, p2); repeat from * twice more, ending last repeat p1 (p1, p2).
R5: K1, p1 (p1, p2), *K1, yo, Sl 1, K1, psso, K1, K2tog, yo, K1, p1 (p2, p2); repeat from * twice more, ending last repeat p1 (p1, p2).
R7: K1, p1 (p1, p2), *K2, yo, Sl 1, K2tog, psso, yo, K2, p1 (p2, p2): repeat from * twice more, ending last repeat p1 (p1, p2).
Repeat these 8 rounds until foot measures 3" (3 1/4", 3 1/2") less than the length of your foot. While maintaining instep pattern as established, repeat Increases as above for needles #2 and #3 only, until the number of heel stitches is doubled.
Knit across Instep Stitches - end with an odd pattern row and make a note of which row you end with. Begin heel.
Short Row Heel:
R1(RS):K37 (40, 43), w&t, turn work.
R2(WS): P22 (24, 26), w&t.
R3: K21 (23, 25), w&t.
R4: P20 (22, 24), w&t.
R5: K19 (21, 23), w&t.
R6: P18 (20, 22), w&t.
R7: K17 (19, 21), w&t.
R8: P16 (18, 20), w&t.
R9: K15 (17, 19), w&t.
R10: P14 (16, 18), w&t.
R11: K13 (15, 17), w&t.
R12: P12 (14, 16), w&t.
R13: K11 (13, 15), w&t.
R14: P10 (12, 14), w&t.
R15: K9 (11, 13), w&t.
R16: P8 (10, 12), w&t.
R17: K7 (9, 11), w&t.
R18: P7 (9, 11), with the tip of your needle, *pick up the wrap at the base of the next stitch and slip it onto the left needle, p2tog; repeat from * 6 more times, pick up the wrap at the base of the last wrapped stitch and p3tog (wrap, stitch and next stitch in line), turn.
R19: Sl 1, K14 (16, 18), with the tip of your needle, *pick up the wrap at the base of the next stitch and slip it onto the left needle, ssk - repeat from * 7 more times, pick up the stitch at the base of the last wrapped stitch and sssk (wrap, stitch, and next stitch in line, turn.
Shape Gusset:
R1(WS): Sl 1, purl to last stitch before gap, p2tog, turn.
R2(RS): Sl 1, *K1, Sl 1; repeat from * to last stitch before gap, ssk, turn.
Repeat these two rows until the number of stitch on needles #2 & #3 returns to the original number of stitches before increasing. You should have one stitch beyond the gap on each side. End your last RS row by knitting the stitch beyond the gap and rejoin for knitting in the round.
Knit one even row across instep stitches.
Establish Pattern for Back of Leg:
K1, pick up 2 stitches from the gap and sssk with the next stitch in line - this will close the last gap, M1P (p1, p1) *K7, p1 (p1, p2); repeat from * twice more, ending last repeat M1P, (p1, p1), K1, slip first stitch from instep stitches onto needle #3 and K1. You will now have 54 (56, 60) sts total - 25 (27, 29) sts on needle #1 and 29 (29, 31) sts arranged on needles #2 & #3 - it is easiest to have 18 (18, 19) sts on needle #2 and 11 (11, 12) sts on needle #3.
Diamond Rib Pattern for Leg:
Begin with the Odd Round Corresponding to where you left off in the Instep Pattern, adding changes as written for Leg:
R1: p1 (p1, p2), *K2tog, {K1, yo} twice, K1, Sl 1, K1, psso, p1 (p2, p2); repeat from * twice more, ending second repeat p1 (p1, p2); K2, p1, *K2tog, (K1, yo) twice, K1, Sl 1, K1, psso, p1 (p1, p2); repeat from * twice more, ending last repeat p1, K2.
R2, 4, 6, & 8: p1 (p1, p2), *K7, p1 (p2, p2); repeat from * twice more, ending second repeat p1 (p1, p2); RT, p1, *K7, p1 (p1, p2); repeat from * twice more, ending last repeat p1, LT.
R3: p1 (p1, p2), *K2tog, yo, K3, yo, Sl 1, K1, psso, p1 (p2, p2); repeat from * twice more, ending second repeat p1 (p1, p2); K2, p1, *K2tog, yo, K3, yo, Sl 1, K1, psso, p1 (p1, P2); repeat from * twice more, end last repeat p1, K2.
R5: p1, (p1, p2), *K1, yo, Sl 1, k1, psso, K1, K2tog, yo, K1, p1 (p2, p2), repeat from * twice more, ending second repeat p1 (p1, p2); K2, p1, *K1, yo, Sl 1, K1, psso, K1, k2tog, yo, K1, p1 (p1, p2); repeat from * twice more, ending last repeat p1, K2.
R7: p1 (p1, p2), *K2, yo, Sl 1, K2tog, psso, yo, K2, p1 (p2, p2); repeat from * twice more, ending second repeat p1 (p1, p2); K2, p1, *K2, yo, Sl 1, K2tog, psso, yo K2, p1 (p1, p2); repeat from * twice more, ending last repeat p1, K2.
Repeat these 8 rounds until the sock reaches the 1-1 1/2 " less than the desired height. Begin ribbing.
Twisted Rib Cuff:
R1: p1 (p1, p2), *RT, p1, K1, p1, LT, p1 (p2, p2); repeat from * twice more, ending last repeat p1 (p1, p2), RT, p1 (p1, p2), *LT, p1, K1, p1, RT, p1 (p1, p2); repeat from * twice more, LT.
R2: p1 (p1, p2), *K2, p1, K1, p1, K2, p1 (p2, p2); repeat from * twice more, ending last repeat p1 (p1, p2), K2, p1 (p1, p2), *K2, p1, K1, p1, K2, p1 (p1, p2); repeat from * twice more, K2.
Repeat these 2 rounds until cuff reaches desire height.
Make sure that you leave a tail at least 3 times the circumference of the sock for binding off.
Sewn Bind Off:
With a darning needle, thread yarn purl-wise through 2 sts. Thread yarn knit-wise back through the first stitch and drop it off the needle.Repeat until all stitches have been bound off.
Weave in ends, block if necessary.
I like your socks! I am going to show them to my sister, Clara.
A totally going to make these! Thanks for sharing!
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