Three days of three stories down and three stories up. In the rain. Did I mention I fell in a big hole? We actually got everything moved in on Saturday, but went back to the old Veal Box to clean and paint on Sunday. Then we went to Ikea, where I had a little nervous breakdown from the exhaustion and we bought... A SOFA!
I can not begin to tell you how much I love my sofa. As a knitter who has been without one for three years, it's like I've returned from the jungle and encountered civilization again. But because to take pictures of one's new sofa, let alone post them, would put me in the running for Queen Dork of Dorkonia, here is a picture of the Mutant Cardigan:

This is basically Norah Gaughn's "Nantucket Jacket" from IWK Winter '06, but I added length and changed the cables. To be more cable-y. In retrospect, I probably should have given some thought to what would happen with those cable-y cables where the sleeve meets the sweater. As it is:

I've also lost the 3rd page of the pattern. I realized this the other morning when I got to the top of the sleeve decreases: twice every RS row 6 times, then once every 4th row once, then... no next page. After digging through boxes for a couple of hours and becoming convinced that someone had snuck in here and stolen it, I gave up and just shaped the damn thing. I even wrote down what I did (smug satisfaction) so that when I get to the top of the next sleeve, I'll be able to do the same thing (I am a model of efficiency).
It may be some time before I get there, though. The Cardi Wall is looming up in front of me. Even though I only have the left front and sleeve to do, and it's half seamed (I recommend this with sweaters if you know that you have enough wool - you can try it on and this will either save you a lot of work or give you some inspiration to finish the damned thing).
And I really do want to finish it. I love it, even if the sleeve seams look like a science experiment gone wrong (throw the next switch, Igor). It's just that there are other projects calling to me, luring me with their siren call, "Just cast me on..."